TED Talk Presentation

This is me presenting my TED talk! I made my TED talk about the “Rubik’s cube Anatomy” because I love solving Rubik’s cubes and when I talk about something I love I can talk more easily and I don’t need note cards or a script, it is all from the heart. So when I made my TED talk I first found something I love to do and I just talked about it. Of course I prepared and practiced a bunch of times but in the end it was just coming from the heart and the mind.

There were so many things I learned while I was doing my TED talk presentation. First of all, I learned that you need to put as barely amount of words as you possibly can so that your reader or your listener or watcher won’t get bored. Second of all it is recommended that you put a black background. Also I learned that you just got to make the slides as simple as possible I know they look boring but the presentation is what really sparks it. Another thing is no crazy fonts and no crazy transitions.

At the beginning of my presentation I try to do something different so since my presentation was about the Rubik’s cube I decided to solve a 3X3X3 cube while I was doing my presentation. When I did something like this it made my presentation a little bit more interesting because people also saw that I was solving a Rubiks cube and it made them wanna pay more attention. Another thing that I learned about this presentation is that you can’t just have it interesting at the beginning and then like let it go bad you have to keep it interesting throughout the entire time. And in my case that was presenting well and solving the Rubik’s cube and getting a round of applause when I finished it.

So if you ever want to do a TED talk make sure you keep it as basic as possible and keep your presentation as interesting as possible. You can talk about whatever you want you just got to stay enthusiastic about it and you got to love it or else it won’t be interesting and the presentation will be boring.


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