What Kind of Punctuation am I

I am most definitely a question mark because I always want to know what is going on. Like if I am eating dinner and my parents are talking I always ask what they are talking about or if my friends are talking, I always ask what they are talking about.  One time me and my friends were playing Fortnite and they were talking about a different game called Call Of Duty and I kept on asking what it was about and in the end they told me that they were talking about a special game mode that I knew nothing about. So I got that game and it turned out to be very fun. Asking questions has helped me out a lot and I know a lot of stuff that can help me like some assignments or how to play that new game because the tutorial did not help me that much so I had to learn most from experience and my friends. So in conclusion I ask a lot of questions and I always need to know what people around me are talking about.


Daily Habits

A few weeks ago we did a plank challenge! What we did was every two days we added ten seconds to the plank. It got harder and harder until the class was up to three and a half minutes! The day before winter break we had the final plank challenge to go as long as we could. I went for about six minutes! So this was our plank challenge.

A few days ago I started my own daily habits. Mine are to go on a walk or run and to do at least one pull up. Each day when I do these things I get better and I can go for a longer period of time.  Right now I have done a 4 laps around my neighborhood which is like 4 kilometers and I have done 2 pull ups. This daily habit is a bit tough for me but I will get better eventually. So I hope that you where inspired a little bit today to go make a daily habit it can be anything you choose.